Estrategia de aplicación común. Para la directiva marco del agua (2000/60/CE). Documento de Orientación n º 5. Aguas de transición y costeras - Tipología, Condiciones de referencia y sistemas de clasificación

[Common implementation strategy. For the water framework directive (2000/60/ec). Guidance Document No 5. Transitional and Coastal Waters – Typology, Reference Conditions and Classification Systems]

A working group referred to as COAST was established to produce a practical Guidance Document for the implementation of the Directive for transitional and coastal waters. The working group was established in summer 2001 and was led by the UK with France, Germany, Sweden and the EEA forming the steering group. The working group included representatives from each Member State as well as some candidate countries and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and stakeholder organisations

Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) - European Environment Agency (EEA)

Idioma: Inglés

Formato: PDF

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