EIP Water Annual Conference 2013

EIP Water Annual Conference 2013
The first conference of the European Innovation Partnership on Water themed “Networking – Interacting – Innovating” will be held in the EU Parliament in Brussels on 21 November 2013. Bringing together EIP Water stakeholders, it will take stock of where we stand and help shape the future of EIP Water to further increase the opportunities for collaborating on water innovation in Europe and globally.
The one-day conference will showcase innovations from both within and outside the water sector through keynote addresses, panel discussions and moderated plenary sessions. The nine initial EIP Water Action Groups established in May 2013 will showcase their nascent work; interactive sessions will assist new ideas to be taken forward, and the next steps of the EIP Water will be presented and discussed. The conference also aims to help establish new links and partnerships as well as facilitate networking between participants from water innovation supply and demand.
EIP Water and its annual conference: catalysts for innovation and economic growth
The EIP Water conference is part of the EIP Water’s efforts to engage with stakeholders from water innovation supply and demand in Europe and globally; its overall aim is to stimulate creative and innovative solutions that contribute significantly to tackling water challenges at the European and global level.
The EIP Water aims to create market opportunities for these innovations, and by doing so stimulate sustainable economic growth and job creation.
Objectives of the conference
- To build awareness, particularly in Europe, of the necessity and potential of innovation within the water sector and EIP Water.
- To facilitate the creation of market opportunities by establishing new links, networks and partnerships between water innovation supply and demand.
- To take stock of progress made so far in EIP Water.
- To receive detailed feedback and input on a draft EIP Water activity agenda for 2014.
Draft Programme (subject to change)
Time |
Subject |
Speaker |
08.30 | Registration and coffee |
10.00 | Opening by EC Commissioner |
Commissioner Janez Potočnik, |
10.10 | Welcome |
Andrew Walker, Conference Moderator |
10.20 | Public authorities as innovation drivers |
Ida Auken, Danish Minister for the Environment (tbc) |
10.30 | Fast-tracking innovation and how to speed up the process of bringing innovation to the water market? |
Djeevan Schiferli (Business Development Executive, IBM) |
10.55 | EIP Water and innovation – quick wins and long-term benefits |
Tomás Michel (President, WssTP) |
11.20 | Driving innovation at the regional level (tbc) How organisations are cooperating in regions that have given water a “smart specialization” priority |
Regional representatives, including Hans Konst (Vice Governor of the Province of Fryslân) |
11.45 | EIP Water Action Groups activities and challenges |
Representatives of the nine EIP Water Action Groups, including Laurent Bellet (EDF), Richard Elelman (Head of Public Administration Projects, Fundació CTM), Carlos M. Gómez, Albert Jansen (Project Manager, TNO), Aurora Seco (University of Valencia) and Guillermo Zaragoza |
12.30 | Lunch break |
14.00 | Horizon 2020 as an opportunity for innovation in water Update and most recent information about the Horizon 2020 financing framework |
Kurt Vandenberghe (Director, DG Research and Innovation) |
14.25 | How to bring innovation to the market |
Fiona Griffith (Isle Utilities) |
14.45 | “EIP Water’s got talent” – Candidates pitch their innovation to a panel of expert judges |
Innovators, including Daniel Fernández Hevia Expert Panel, including Cees Buisman (Member of the Executive Board of Wetsus), Bernard Guirkinger (Senior advisor to the CEO, Suez Environnement) and Monica Scatasta (European Investment Bank, tbc). Moderated by Fiona Griffith (Isle Utilities). |
15.25 | Export opportunities – China and India |
Henrik Dissing (Head of European Secretariat, China Europe Water Platform) |
15.55 | Closing remarks |
Marianne Wenning (Director Quality of Life, Water & Air, DG Environment, European Commission) |
16.10 | Networking marketplace |
Note: snacks and drinks will be provided |
17:30 | End of conference |
Participation and registration
EIP Water expects up to 400 participants at its first annual conference and aims to attract participation from all stakeholders from EU and non-EU countries.
Participation is free of charge. Unfortunately we cannot reimburse any travel or accommodation expenses.
For environmental reasons, we will not print any documents. All relevant documents will be made available for download prior to the conference.
IMPORTANT: Due to security regulations of the European Parliament, please make sure that you register before the 12 of November 2013, otherwise you unfortunately won’t get access to the venue! Registration is now open, please register here.
How to get there?
From the airport: take the bus 12, (direction Brussels City), and get off at "Place de Luxembourg" which is in front of the European Parliament. This takes about 40 minutes.
From the city: e.g. from the train station "Gare du Midi": Take the metro Line 2 or 6 (direction Simonis) andget off at "Trône/Troon". From there you can walk towards the EP on “Rue du Luxembourg", crossing "Place de Luxembourg". This takes about 25 minutes in total.
For further information on the metro network please visit the following website: www.stib.be/index.htm?l=en.
You can find a map of the area, including the venue entrance (JAN building) here.
For any content related questions, please contact Robert Schroeder (ENV-EIP-WATER@EC.EUROPA.EU)
For any organisational issues, please contact Michaela Matauschek (eipwater.meetinglogistics@gmail.com)
For media requests, please contact Sören Bauer (s.bauer@pr-audit.com)
Date of event:
10:00 to 17:30
- Belgium