Saneamiento y depuración

The microbiology of anaerobic digesters

Gerardi, Michael H.

Editorial: JOHN WILEY & SONS, LTD.(2ª)

Idioma: Inglés

Edición: 2003

ISBN: 0-471-20693-8

This book eschews technical jargon to deliver a practical, how-to guide for wastewater plant operators. Tested in short-course situations by the author over the last 15 years. Practical: directed at operators instead of design and consulting engineers

Manual de saneamiento de uralita: sistemas de calidad en saneamiento de aguas

Hernández Muñoz, Aurelio;Hernández Lehmann, Aurelio


Idioma: Español

Edición: 2003

ISBN: 84-283-2871-4

Introducción a un sistema integrado de saneamiento. Conceptos fundamentales del saneamiento. Normativa. Tendencias futuras del saneamiento. Datos base. Hipótesis de calidad. Aspectos cualitativos de los vertidos sobre las redes de saneamiento. Tuberías, materiales y colectores. Colectores prefabricados. Colectores en mina y colectores hincados

Disinfection byproducts in drinking water: formation, analysis, and control

Xie, Yuefeng


Idioma: Inglés

Edición: 2003

ISBN: 1-56676-974-4

Shows how to detect, analyze, and control disinfection byproducts in water. Presents basic chemistry of how DBPs are formed in water systemso Discusses inorganic DBPs, such as bromate and chlorite. Furnishes techniques for laboratoryanalysis . Reviews information resources for disinfection byproducts,

Upgrading and Retrofitting Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants

Environment Federation, Imp Water

Editorial: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing

ISBN: 0071453032

Publisher Comments: Upgrading and Retrofitting Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants is a new MOP from WEF. Upgrading and retrofitting represents the single largest investment that a public or private utility will make. The tricky aspect of upgrading and retrofitting a treatment plant is that during the upgrade process the rest of the plant must operate with no process upsets and meet permitting guidelines. Written by a set of industry experts who have significant years of experience in this area. It is a practical MOP geared to avoid pitfalls, cost overruns, and permit violations.

Hallado en Segeda el filtro de agua más antiguo de Aragón

Jue, 28/08/2008 (El Periódico de Aragón)

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