
Third World Water Forum

Dom, 16/03/2003 / Dom, 23/03/2003

World Water Council, Japanese Government

2008 Joint Annual Meeting GSA/SSSA/ASA/CSSA/GCAGSA Topical Session: T149 Groundwater Arsenic: A Global Environmental Health Problem and Sustainable Mitigation

Vie, 05/09/2008 / Lun, 08/09/2008

GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geology and Society Divison; GSA Geology and Health Division; GSA International Division; Geochemical Society; International Association of Hydrogeologists; International Society of Groundwater Sustainable Development. Prosun Bhattacharya, Abhijit Mukherjee, D. Kirk Nordstrom, Jochen Bundschuh, M. Alauddin

Taller sobre optimización del modelo de redes de drenaje

Jue, 25/11/2010 / Jue, 25/11/2010


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