Siguenos en:
Mié, 04/06/2003 / Sáb, 07/06/2003
Universidad de León; GEI, Grupo de Especies Invasoras
Lun, 17/05/2004 / Vie, 21/05/2004
European Centre for River Restoration, ECRR; Croatian Waters; Croatian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning and the State Water Directorate
Mar, 15/06/2004 / Vie, 18/06/2004
International Association of Hydrogeologists; UNESCO; University of Silesia; Commission on Groundwater Protection
Dom, 27/06/2004 / Jue, 01/07/2004
American Society of Civil Engineers
Dom, 25/04/2004 / Vie, 30/04/2004
European Geophysical Union
Mié, 05/11/2003 / Vie, 07/11/2003
Departamento de Derecho del Medio Ambiente de la Universidad Externado de Colombia
Sáb, 24/07/2004 / Mié, 28/07/2004
Soil and Water Conservation Society
Mar, 14/09/2004 / Vie, 17/09/2004
Centre de Biodiversitat
Lun, 08/03/2004 / Jue, 11/03/2004
Lun, 30/05/2005 / Jue, 02/06/2005
UNESCO;The World Conservation Union (IUCN); United Nations University (UNU)