Siguenos en:
Mar, 11/02/2003 / Jue, 13/02/2003
E-world of energy GbR
Lun, 07/04/2003 / Vie, 11/04/2003
Messe Berlin GmbH; International Water Association IWA, Reino Unido; German Gas and Water Industry Association (FIGAWA)
Lun, 23/06/2003 / Mié, 25/06/2003
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU); International Water Association IWA, Specialist Group on Sludge Management
Lun, 26/05/2003 / Mié, 28/05/2003
International Water Association (IWA)
Mar, 30/09/2003 / Vie, 03/10/2003
Mar, 15/04/2003 / Vie, 18/04/2003
EXPOFORUM Exhibition Company; EXPOSERVICE Exhibition Company; The Ministry of Housing and Municipal Economy of the Republic of Belarus; Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection; Republic Water Association""AQUA-BEL""
Mar, 29/04/2003 / Mié, 30/04/2003
Dom, 06/06/2004 / Jue, 10/06/2004
GRAIE, Grand Lyon, INSA de Lyon; Eurydice 92
Dom, 08/06/2003 / Vie, 13/06/2003
Engineering Conferences International
Sáb, 01/11/2003 / Sáb, 08/11/2003