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XXIX Course on wastewater treatment and operation of wastewater treatment plants
XXIX Course on wastewater treatment and operation of wastewater treatment plants
Lun, 14/11/2011 / Vie, 25/11/2011
The collection and wastewater treatment is a necessity indispensable for the conservation and wise use of resources hydraulics. In Spain, the implementation of National Plan Sanitation and Treatment (1995-2005), designed to comply with Directive 91/271/EEC, has given us an important number of new treatment facilities, while that improved, extended and adapted many of the facilities existing ones.
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C/ Alfonso XII, 3 y 5 - 28014
- Teléfono: (+34) 91 335 73 12 / 7296 / 7307
- Fax: (+34) 91 335 73 14
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